Edit the fields to make your own custom riddle to share with friends! All custom riddles are
private, nothing is shared with anyone who doesn’t have the link.
guidelines for writing a riddle: (click to expand)
the answer should be well known (at the very least, have its own wikipedia article)
all the clues should fit the correct answer
keep clues short and simple, a child should be able to understand it
subsequent clues should narrow down the possible answers, and by the fifth clue, only the
correct answer should fit all clues
clues should avoid trivia (as in, if you know this fact, then you 100% know the answer)
you don’t have to, but if you want, feel free to be playful and tricky (e.g. thinking
out-of-the-box, clues/answers with multiple meanings)
Clues for your riddle.
I’m clue 1.
I’m clue 2.
I’m clue 3.
I’m clue 4.
I’m clue 5.
The prompt question, which appears after every clue.
What am I?
The answer to the riddle. Alternate answers can be included, comma-separated.
A guessbox is provided to test your riddle.
Custom riddle
(optional) A message shown with your custom riddle.
dev info
What am I? I’m clue 1. I’m clue 2. I’m clue 3. I’m clue 4. I’m clue 5.